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End of Week 5

The ever changing weather and heavy downpours greated our second cohort of students on to the Training Course. Tuesday's excavation was rained off completely but some digging was accomplished on Thursday and Friday due some to rearranging of the teaching programme. The main area under investigation was the the two 5m grid squares (P8 & P9) in the SE of the trench where the remains of the EW road F37 were discovered and recorded in 2018 so that now the the upper surface could be removed. This has produced the gravelly and sandy layers below the flint in P8 but areas of packed flint in P9 formerly concealed by a disturbed flint layer. We can but hpoe for better weather over the next 3 weeks as everyone is keen to get out on site. Other work underway includes further excavation of the SE quadrant of the large pit F38.

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