It only seems a few days ago that the students rolled in from Canterbury Christchurch at the start of this year's dig and now the site and finds units are deserted, I'm tempted to say desolate, as the dig season is over and the bustling action is no more. This heralds many months of processing the data collected during this years brilliant excavation (even the weather was brilliant for once) after a few days more clearing up and putting the site to bed before we start sorting out next year which promises to be the last year in Trench 7 - honest (but we all know what the best laid plans tend to do)!
A big thank you to all our volunteers, both on site and in finds and to all the students who worked hard for their 4 weeks on the field school. A special thank you to Rich and Blake (CCCU postgrads) for their supervision and data collating. We look forward to welcoming many of you back next year.